пятница, 1 сентября 2017 г.

First Bell!!

On September 1st, 2017 students from all over Moldova gathered in their schools for what is known as “First Bell,” signifying the beginning of the new school year! Children and teenagers were laughing and smiling in excitement while they organized themselves by their class, and their energies were high when they saw their classmates and teachers once again.
Students from 2nd to the 12th grades assembled outside in the courtyard to greet their new fellow students – the First Grade!

It is even more exciting for the children starting the First Grade. Guided by their new teachers, they are lined up and walked in a procession in front of the older students, teachers and parents, while holding balloons. It was so great to see the kids in their very first day of school!

The ceremony was followed by speeches from the school director, school authorities and government officials. They explained the importance of education and wished the students a very happy and successful school year.

A most interesting thing was that after the speeches, members of the First Grade came forward and recited funny and thoughtful poems. The audience laughed and clapped in appreciation. Afterwards, some of the older students sang songs. Then, each of the 12th grade students came forward with flowers and gave them to the little 1st grade students, took their hands, and led them inside the school, showing the tradition of the oldest students, who are about to finish their school, guiding the youngest students in the beginning of their formal education.

It was interesting to compare this tradition to American schools. In America, there is no such tradition as the “First Bell.” Instead American students just show up in school and begin their classes. This Moldovan tradition of First Bell is special indeed!

Good luck to all our students!

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