пятница, 8 сентября 2017 г.

Study in the USA!

Are you interested in studying in the United States?

If you are a high school student (9th-12th Forms), you can apply to a wonderful program which opens many possibilities for the future. The FLEX Program, also known as the Future Leaders Exchange Program, provides an exciting opportunity for foreign students to go to the United States, live with an American family, go to American schools, and be immersed in American culture.

For many hardworking, motivated students, the FLEX Program grants scholarships and benefits based solely on the students’ merits. This means that even if your family cannot afford the costs, the students can come to America and live with host families.

Students from all many countries such as Kazakhstan, Poland, Romania, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Montenegro, and Moldova apply to the FLEX Program and go to school in the United States for one academic year. They make friends with many American students, and together they share their cultures and learn from each other. Many students return to their home countries full of new experiences and appreciation of American culture, as well as having gained new perspectives on different ways of life after living in a different country. These students become more active in their communities, and become future leaders!

"FLEX was established in 1992 and funding is provided through the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. The Program was created from the conviction of former Senator Bill Bradley that the best way to ensure long-lasting peace and understanding between the U.S. and the countries of Eurasia is to enable young people to Learn about the U.S. and Americans firsthand, and to teach Americans about their countries.

The primary goal of the FLEX program is to improve mutual understanding and develop and strengthen long-term relationships between citizens of the United States and other peoples and countries. The State Department supports exchanges for secondary school students from over 50 countries through FLEX and other academic year programs. Since the program's inception in 1993, over 24,000 students have participated in the FLEX program." 

So, what are you waiting for? A new adventure is right around the corner! Check out the FLEX Program at http://discoverflex.org/

For more information, please come and ask us in the American Corner, located in the Public Library of Ceadir Lunga, 127 Lenin Street.

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